180 Degrees Consulting CityU Branch


Founded in 2020, 180 Degrees Consulting CityU Branch (180DC-CityU) is the third local 180 Degrees Consulting branch to provide affordable consulting services to non-profits and social enterprises in Hong Kong.

Driven by a group of ambitious and socially-aware university students with passion to make the world a better place, the CityU Branch aims to:

“Provide holistic consultation services for clients to realise their potential and groom a cadre of impact-focused talents with business consulting skillsets”

To accomplish their vision, 180DC-CityU has partnered with some of the most renowned consulting firms in Hong Kong including E Zee Learning, Glo Consulting, OnGrad Consulting, Workhap, and KPMG.




    Provide holistic consultation services for clients to realise their potential



    Groom a cadre of impact-focused talents with business consulting skillsets

For more information, please visit https://180dc.org/branch/cityu/